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Help PC Unlocker

mga master, baka meron kayong working na PC Unlocker dyan, gusto kulang burahin admin password ng laptop. thank you po.

I understand that you are looking for a working PC Unlocker software to remove the admin password on your laptop. While I can't provide specific software or links here, I can guide you through a general process that may help you unlock your laptop.

1. Reset Windows Password: One possible approach is to use a password reset tool such as "Offline NT Password & Registry Editor" or "PCUnlocker". These tools are often bootable, meaning you'll need to create a bootable USB or CD/DVD with the software on it. Then, you can boot your laptop from the USB or CD/DVD and follow the instructions to reset the admin password.

2. System Restore: Another option is to try a System Restore if it's enabled on your laptop. This can revert your system back to a previous state, including removing any password you may have set. You can access System Restore from the Advanced Startup Options menu, which you can usually access by repeatedly pressing a specific key (e.g., F8 or F11) during the boot process.

3. Contact Manufacturer Support: If the above methods don't work, it's worth reaching out to the manufacturer of your laptop for support. They may have specific tools or instructions for unlocking your laptop.

It's important to note that any password removal or bypassing techniques should only be used on devices you own or have proper authorization for. Using such methods on devices that don't belong to you or without proper authorization may be îllégâl.

I hope these suggestions help you unlock your laptop. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!
To reset a laptop admin password using the Command Prompt, you can follow these steps:

1. Open Command Prompt as an administrator. You can do this by right-clicking on the Start button and selecting "Command Prompt (Admin)".

2. Once the Command Prompt window is open, type the following command and press Enter: net user

3. A list of user accounts on the laptop will be displayed. Identify the admin account for which you want to reset the password.

4. To reset the password for the admin account, type the following command and press Enter: net user [username] [newpassword]

Replace [username] with the name of the admin account and [newpassword] with the new password you want to set for the account.

5. Once the command is executed, you should see a message indicating that the command completed successfully.

6. Close Command Prompt and restart your laptop.

After following these steps, you should be able to log in to the admin account using the new password you have set.


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