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Netflix geo-blocking bypass


Sep 19, 2018
Please i need script to bypass geo-blocking restrictions for Netflix, Hulu. And i need ssh, websocket, slowdns and v2ray scripts
Sure, I can help you with that. Below are the scripts to bypass geo-blocking restrictions for Netflix, Hulu, using SSH, WebSocket, SlowDNS, and V2Ray.

1. SSH script (using OpenSSH):


# Replace the placeholders with your SSH server information

# Replace the placeholders with the proxy server information

# Establish SSH tunnel with dynamic port forwarding

# Configure your system or browser to use the SOCKS proxy at localhost:$PROXY_PORT

2. WebSocket script (using Nginx and ws):

# Install Nginx and ws module if not already installed

# Replace the placeholders with your WebSocket server information

# Configure Nginx to proxy WebSocket traffic
location / {
    proxy_pass http://$WEBSOCKET_SERVER:$WEBSOCKET_PORT;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
    proxy_set_header Host $host;

3. SlowDNS script (using SlowDNS app):

SlowDNS is an Android app that provides DNS tunneling. You can download it from the Google Play Store. Configure the app with your DNS server and start the tunneling.

4. V2Ray script (using V2Ray):

  "inbounds": [
      "port": 1080,
      "listen": "",
      "protocol": "socks",
      "settings": {
        "accounts": [
            "user": "your-username",
            "pass": "your-password"
  "outbounds": [
      "protocol": "vmess",
      "settings": {
        "vnext": [
            "address": "your-v2ray-server.com",
            "port": 443,
            "users": [
                "id": "your-user-id",
                "alterId": 64,
                "security": "auto"

Make sure you have V2Ray installed and replace the placeholders with your V2Ray server information. Run V2Ray with the provided configuration file.

Please note that bypassing geo-blocking restrictions may violate the terms of service of streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu. Use these scripts responsibly and ensure that you comply with the terms and conditions of the service you are using.
Sure, I can help you with that. Below are the scripts to bypass geo-blocking restrictions for Netflix, Hulu, using SSH, WebSocket, SlowDNS, and V2Ray.

1. SSH script (using OpenSSH):


# Replace the placeholders with your SSH server information

# Replace the placeholders with the proxy server information

# Establish SSH tunnel with dynamic port forwarding

# Configure your system or browser to use the SOCKS proxy at localhost:$PROXY_PORT

2. WebSocket script (using Nginx and ws):

# Install Nginx and ws module if not already installed

# Replace the placeholders with your WebSocket server information

# Configure Nginx to proxy WebSocket traffic
location / {
    proxy_pass http://$WEBSOCKET_SERVER:$WEBSOCKET_PORT;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
    proxy_set_header Host $host;

3. SlowDNS script (using SlowDNS app):

SlowDNS is an Android app that provides DNS tunneling. You can download it from the Google Play Store. Configure the app with your DNS server and start the tunneling.

4. V2Ray script (using V2Ray):

  "inbounds": [
      "port": 1080,
      "listen": "",
      "protocol": "socks",
      "settings": {
        "accounts": [
            "user": "your-username",
            "pass": "your-password"
  "outbounds": [
      "protocol": "vmess",
      "settings": {
        "vnext": [
            "address": "your-v2ray-server.com",
            "port": 443,
            "users": [
                "id": "your-user-id",
                "alterId": 64,
                "security": "auto"

Make sure you have V2Ray installed and replace the placeholders with your V2Ray server information. Run V2Ray with the provided configuration file.

Please note that bypassing geo-blocking restrictions may violate the terms of service of s†rêâmïng platforms like Netflix and Hulu. Use these scripts responsibly and ensure that you comply with the terms and conditions of the service you are using.
V2ray server
V2ray server
To set up a V2Ray server, you need to follow these steps:

1. Choose a V2Ray server provider or set up your own server:
- If you want to set up your own server, you can use a cloud hosting provider like Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform, or DigitalOcean. You will need to create an instance and install a Linux operating system on it.
- Alternatively, you can use a V2Ray server provider like V2Ray.com, V2board.com, or V2rayssr.com. These providers offer pre-configured V2Ray servers that you can rent.

2. Install V2Ray on your server:
- Connect to your server using SSH.
- Download the V2Ray installation script using the following command:
     wget https://install.direct/go.sh
- Run the installation script:
     sudo bash go.sh
- The script will install V2Ray and create a configuration file at /etc/v2ray/config.json.

3. Configure V2Ray:
- Open the V2Ray configuration file /etc/v2ray/config.json using a text editor.
- Modify the inbounds section to specify the listening port and the desired protocol (e.g., vmess for V2Ray clients).
- Modify the outbounds section to specify the outbound connection settings, including the server address, port, user ID, and encryption method.
- Save the changes and exit the text editor.

4. Start the V2Ray service:
- Run the following command to start the V2Ray service:
     sudo systemctl start v2ray
- To enable the V2Ray service to start automatically on system boot, run:
     sudo systemctl enable v2ray

5. Obtain connection details:
- After starting the V2Ray service, you will get connection details like server IP, port, user ID, and encryption method. These details will be needed when configuring your V2Ray client.

6. Set up V2Ray client:
- Install a V2Ray client on your device (e.g., V2RayN, V2RayX, or V2RayNG for Windows; V2RayX or ClashX for macOS; V2RayNG or BifrostV for Android; or Shadowrocket or Quantumult for iOS).
- Open the V2Ray client and configure it using the obtained connection details.
- Connect to the V2Ray server using the client.

With these steps, you should have a V2Ray server set up and ready to use. Remember to follow the terms and conditions of the server provider and use the V2Ray server responsibly.
To set up a V2Ray server, you need to follow these steps:

1. Choose a V2Ray server provider or set up your own server:
- If you want to set up your own server, you can use a cloud hosting provider like Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform, or DigitalOcean. You will need to create an instance and install a Linux operating system on it.
- Alternatively, you can use a V2Ray server provider like V2Ray.com, V2board.com, or V2rayssr.com. These providers offer pre-configured V2Ray servers that you can rent.

2. Install V2Ray on your server:
- Connect to your server using SSH.
- Download the V2Ray installation script using the following command:
     wget https://install.direct/go.sh
- Run the installation script:
     sudo bash go.sh
- The script will install V2Ray and create a configuration file at /etc/v2ray/config.json.

3. Configure V2Ray:
- Open the V2Ray configuration file /etc/v2ray/config.json using a text editor.
- Modify the inbounds section to specify the listening port and the desired protocol (e.g., vmess for V2Ray clients).
- Modify the outbounds section to specify the outbound connection settings, including the server address, port, user ID, and encryption method.
- Save the changes and exit the text editor.

4. Start the V2Ray service:
- Run the following command to start the V2Ray service:
     sudo systemctl start v2ray
- To enable the V2Ray service to start automatically on system boot, run:
     sudo systemctl enable v2ray

5. Obtain connection details:
- After starting the V2Ray service, you will get connection details like server IP, port, user ID, and encryption method. These details will be needed when configuring your V2Ray client.

6. Set up V2Ray client:
- Install a V2Ray client on your device (e.g., V2RayN, V2RayX, or V2RayNG for Windows; V2RayX or ClashX for macOS; V2RayNG or BifrostV for Android; or Shadowrocket or Quantumult for iOS).
- Open the V2Ray client and configure it using the obtained connection details.
- Connect to the V2Ray server using the client.

With these steps, you should have a V2Ray server set up and ready to use. Remember to follow the terms and conditions of the server provider and use the V2Ray server responsibly.
Geo-blocking is a practice used by online platforms to restrict access to their content based on the geographical location of the user. It is often employed by streaming services like Netflix and Hulu to comply with licensing agreements and copyright restrictions.

When you encounter geo-blocking, it means that the service is limiting access to certain content or features based on your IP address, which reveals your location. This can be frustrating if you want to access content that is unavailable in your region.

There are several ways to bypass geo-blocking restrictions:

1. Virtual Private Network (VPN): A VPN allows you to route your internet traffic through a server located in a different country, thus masking your IP address and making it appear as if you are accessing the content from that country. This can help bypass geo-blocking and access content from different regions.

2. Smart DNS: Smart DNS services work by intercepting and rerouting DNS requests, allowing you to bypass geographic restrictions. They can be configured on your device or router, and they don't route all your internet traffic through a remote server like VPNs do.

3. Proxy Servers: Proxy servers act as intermediaries between your device and the internet. By using a proxy server located in the desired country, you can bypass geo-blocking and appear as if you are accessing the content from that country.

4. Browser Extensions: There are browser extensions like Hola and ZenMate that allow you to change your IP address and bypass geo-blocking. These extensions route your internet traffic through their servers, enabling you to access blocked content.

It is important to note that while bypassing geo-blocking is possible, it may violate the terms and conditions of the service you are using. It is recommended to use these methods responsibly and ensure that you comply with the policies of the streaming platforms and content providers.
Geo-blocking is a practice used by online platforms to restrict access to their content based on the geographical location of the user. It is often employed by s†rêâmïng services like Netflix and Hulu to comply with licensing agreements and copyright restrictions.

When you encounter geo-blocking, it means that the service is limiting access to certain content or features based on your IP address, which reveals your location. This can be frustrating if you want to access content that is unavailable in your region.

There are several ways to bypass geo-blocking restrictions:

1. Virtual Private Network (VPN): A VPN allows you to route your internet traffic through a server located in a different country, thus masking your IP address and making it appear as if you are accessing the content from that country. This can help bypass geo-blocking and access content from different regions.

2. Smart DNS: Smart DNS services work by intercepting and rerouting DNS requests, allowing you to bypass geographic restrictions. They can be configured on your device or router, and they don't route all your internet traffic through a remote server like VPNs do.

3. Proxy Servers: Proxy servers act as intermediaries between your device and the internet. By using a proxy server located in the desired country, you can bypass geo-blocking and appear as if you are accessing the content from that country.

4. Browser Extensions: There are browser extensions like Hola and ZenMate that allow you to change your IP address and bypass geo-blocking. These extensions route your internet traffic through their servers, enabling you to access blocked content.

It is important to note that while bypassing geo-blocking is possible, it may violate the terms and conditions of the service you are using. It is recommended to use these methods responsibly and ensure that you comply with the policies of the s†rêâmïng platforms and content provide
Proxy server
Proxy server
A proxy server acts as an intermediary between your device and the internet. When you connect to the internet through a proxy server, your internet traffic is routed through the server, which then makes requests to websites or services on your behalf. This can be useful for bypassing geo-blocking restrictions and accessing content that is restricted in your region.

Here's how a proxy server can help bypass geo-blocking:

1. Masking your IP address: When you connect to a website or service through a proxy server, your IP address is replaced with the IP address of the proxy server. This makes it appear as if your requests are coming from the location of the server, allowing you to bypass geo-blocking and access content that is restricted in your region.

2. Changing your virtual location: Some proxy servers allow you to choose the location from which your requests appear to originate. By selecting a proxy server in a different country, you can make it appear as if you are accessing the internet from that country, bypassing geo-blocking restrictions.

3. Enhancing privacy and security: Proxy servers can also provide an additional layer of privacy and security. When you connect to the internet through a proxy server, your real IP address is hidden, making it harder for websites and services to track your online activities. Additionally, some proxy servers offer encryption to protect your data from being intercepted.

To use a proxy server, you need to configure your device or application to use the proxy server's IP address and port. Proxy servers can be public or private. Public proxy servers are freely available and can be found through online proxy lists, while private proxy servers require a subscription or purchase.

It's important to note that not all proxy servers are reliable or secure. It's recommended to use reputable and trusted proxy servers to ensure the privacy and security of your internet connection. Additionally, be aware of any terms and conditions or usage policies associated with the proxy server you choose to use.

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