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Help (My opinion) Platinum Karaoke is not having good song updates now


Honorary Poster
Is it just me or is Platinum Karaoke not having good new song updates?😠 😕😞

1. Every month they only got like an average of 3-5 songs that they got from my requests.
2. There's a lot of songs that I requested (most of them a year ago)that are still not yet there. (more than 150)
3. Even I saw comments in Facebook that people are complaining that they did not get the songs they wanted.




4. I mean 1 page of new songs for me isn't enough. They should have at least 2 (I already suggested this to them in my song request for this month.)
5. Unlike Megapro's (I'm not a user of this.), PK's mostly behind when it comes to new songs. (just compare both of them, you see the difference)
Example: Summer time by Cinnamons x Evening Cinema (Megapro Megapro MP/MS 7000JB HD: November 2021 update ,Platinum Major HD: January 2022 update)
Zoom by Jessi (Megapro MP/MS 7000JB HD: July 2022, Platinum Major HD: October 2022)

But when I saw this comment, I was like "That's why some of our requests did not go there".

So its the contents team who actually can put what songs should be in the next updates.

Are some of your songs that you requested a long time ago still not yet there?
What do you think of the song updates now?
Comment your opinions below.


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