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Title: "Pinoy Logic"

Joke: Teacher: "Juan, if you have 3 mangoes and you give 1 to your friend, how many mangoes do you have left?"

Juan: "None, ma'am. My friend owes me a favor now, so he's the one who has the mangoes."

Teacher: confused "That's not how it works, Juan!"

Juan: "That's Pinoy logic, ma'am."
Teacher: "If there are 10 birds on a tree and you shoot one, how many birds are left?"
Juan: "None, ma'am. The other birds will fly away because they heard the gunshot."
Teacher: "No, Juan. There will be 9 birds left."
Juan: "But ma'am, that's not Pinoy logic. In the Philippines, if you shoot one bird, the others will just flock to the nearby electric wire."

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