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PHP Laravel filament


May 18, 2021
any thoughts about laravel filament magagamit kaya siya sa mga big/large projects?
Laravel Filament is a powerful admin panel package that offers a lot of features and functionality for building administrative interfaces in Laravel applications. While it is primarily designed for smaller to medium-sized projects, it can certainly be used in large projects as well.

Here are a few thoughts on using Laravel Filament in big/large projects:

1. Customization: Laravel Filament provides a solid foundation for building admin panels, but in large projects, you may need to customize it to fit your specific requirements. The good news is that Filament is highly customizable, allowing you to extend and modify its features according to your needs.

2. Performance: In large projects, performance is a critical factor. Laravel Filament is built on top of the Laravel framework, which is known for its performance and scalability. However, as with any admin panel package, it's essential to consider the number of records, queries, and interactions with the database to ensure optimum performance.

3. Scalability: Laravel Filament can handle a significant number of records and users. With its modular architecture, you can add or remove functionality as needed, making it suitable for large projects with complex requirements.

4. Team Collaboration: In large projects, multiple developers may work on different parts of the codebase simultaneously. Laravel Filament follows Laravel's conventions, making it easier for developers to collaborate and work together effectively. Additionally, Filament supports role-based permissions, which can be helpful in managing access for different users and teams.

5. Community Support: Laravel Filament is backed by a vibrant Laravel community, which means you can find ample resources, tutorials, and support to help you tackle any challenges you may encounter while working on large projects.

Ultimately, the suitability of Laravel Filament for big/large projects depends on your specific requirements, the complexity of the project, and the level of customization needed. While it may require some additional customization and performance tuning, Laravel Filament provides a solid foundation for building admin panels in large projects.
ok pero dapat maalam ka pa rin sa laravel wag masyado mag rely sa mga bagong trend. Sometimes trend is not your friend

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