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Help Hello guys pahatak if active pa kayo naglalaro ng im2015 baka may latest trick kayo diyan

Hello! Sure, I can help you with some tricks in IM2015. Here are a few latest tricks that you can try:

1. Farming Strategy: Focus on farming resources efficiently to upgrade your buildings and troops. Utilize your builders effectively by always having them work on something. This will help you progress faster.

2. Raiding Tips: When raiding other players' bases, scout them first to look for weak spots or exposed resources. Plan your attack strategy accordingly. Targeting the enemy's resource collectors can be a great way to accumulate resources.

3. Building Placement: Strategically placing your buildings can give you an advantage in battles. For example, placing defensive structures like turrets and walls in a way that creates a funnel can help guide enemy troops into traps or make it harder for them to reach your critical buildings.

4. Troop Composition: Experiment with different troop combinations to find the one that suits your play style. Some combinations work better against certain bases. Mixing melee and ranged troops can create a balanced army.

5. Join a Guild: Joining an active guild can provide numerous benefits, such as access to guild-exclusive events, rewards, and opportunities for teamwork. Participating in guild activities can help you progress faster.

6. Research Upgrades: Don't forget to upgrade your research facilities. Researching new technologies will unlock stronger troops, better defenses, and other advantages.

Remember, these tricks are just suggestions. It's always good to experiment and find what works best for you. Feel free to ask if you have any more specific questions or need further assistance!

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