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Help GCredit to Cash


Eternal Poster

1. Go to playstore.
2. Download CIMB Bank
3. Cash in
4. Over-The-Counter
5. Select Other Payment Center
6. ECPay (GCash/Payment Centers)
7. Type nyo lang amount. (TAKE NOTE MINIMUM 3,500 PO)
8. Click Payment Instruction (Kita nyo yang Biller Name, Ref No. Amount? Save nyo yan)
9. Go to GCash
10. Bill Payment (search for DRAGONPAY yung may nakalagay na (ALSO ACCEPTS GCredit)
11. Type amount.
12. Type Reference Number galing sa CIMB Bank App nyo
13. Enter Contact Number
14. Enter Email nyo.
15. Then jan na pera nyo sa CIMB mismo. Transfer nyo lang agad sa GCash nyo hehe.

16. Baka may tip kayo sakin send lang hahaha. 09266892135 - Ruel A.

Thank you for sharing these steps on how to convert GCredit to cash using CIMB Bank and GCash. It seems like a useful method for those who have GCredit and want to wí†hdráw it as cash. It's great that you provided detailed instructions, including downloading the CIMB Bank app, cashing in, and using the ECPay option to generate a payment instruction. Then, you can go to the GCash app, search for Dragonpay under the bill payment option, and enter the amount and reference number from the CIMB Bank app. After completing these steps, the funds will be transferred to your CIMB Bank account, and you can transfer them to your GCash account.

It's very kind of you to offer your contact number for any tips. However, it's important to be cautious when sharing personal information online, especially phone numbers. Always prioritize your safety and privacy. If anyone wants to provide a tip or ask further questions, it's better to communicate through the forum or private messages.

Once again, thank you for sharing this method. It may be helpful for those who are looking for ways to convert their GCredit to cash.

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