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Help Data privacy act


Forum Veteran
if ever man magpost pero

ang name pero first & second name lang
ang number pero 1 digit lang ay naka hide

are you violating data privacy act?
Under the Data Privacy Act of the Philippines (RA 10173), personal information such as names and contact numbers are considered sensitive personal information. Revealing even partial information, like the first and second names or hiding only one digit of a contact number, may still be considered a violation of data privacy regulations if it can lead to the identification of the individuals involved.

It's important to remember that the data privacy law aims to protect the privacy of individuals by ensuring that their personal information is handled with care and only used for legitimate purposes. Any unauthorized disclosure or processing of personal information, even if it seems minimal, can still be a violation of the law.

Therefore, in the scenario you described, it is advisable to be cautious and ensure that any sharing of personal information complies with the principles and provisions of the Data Privacy Act to avoid potential violations.

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