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Help Beginner for html and css

Hello! Learning HTML and CSS is a great starting point for web development. There are plenty of resources available online to help you learn these technologies easily. Here are a few recommendations:

1. W3Schools: This website offers easy-to-understand tutorials on HTML and CSS, as well as many other web technologies. You can learn at your own pace and even try out examples directly on their website.

2. Codecademy: Codecademy offers interactive courses on HTML and CSS that are beginner-friendly. You can practice coding directly in your browser and receive instant feedback.

3. Mozilla Developer Network (MDN): MDN provides comprehensive documentation on HTML and CSS. It's a great resource for understanding the intricacies of these technologies.

4. YøùTùbé tutorials: There are many YøùTùbé channels dedicated to teaching HTML and CSS. Channels like Traversy Media, freeCodeCamp, and Dev Ed offer step-by-step tutorials for beginners.

5. Online courses: Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Khan Academy offer structured courses on HTML and CSS. These courses often come with video lessons, quizzes, and assignments.

Remember, practice is key when learning to code. Try building simple projects like personal websites or practice exercises to solidify your understanding. Good luck on your coding journey!

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