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Help Any advice po for these courses or any documents po na pwede basahin?

For software modeling and analysis, it is important to have a good understanding of software design principles and practices. This includes knowledge of different modeling techniques, such as UML (Unified Modeling Language), BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation), and ER (Entity-Relationship) diagrams.

In addition, it is important to have a strong understanding of software testing and analysis techniques, such as unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing. This will allow you to identify and address potential issues in software design and implementation before they become major problems.

For mathematics for computer science, it is important to have a solid foundation in mathematical concepts such as algebra, calculus, and discrete mathematics. These concepts are essential for understanding and analyzing algorithms and data structures, which are critical components of computer science.

It is also important to have a good understanding of probability theory and statistics, as these concepts are often used in areas such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.

In addition to traditional math concepts, computer science mathematics courses may also cover topics such as graph theory, number theory, and cryptography, which are important for understanding algorithms used in computer security and network communication.

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