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Trivia 10 kinds of Writers

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017
1.The Romantic writer:
(s)he who weave metaphors that even the flaring sun would feel cold and the stars would fall down unto his feet to be offered into your beauty as you are the most precious gem that has ever existed in the eyes of such artisan.

2.They Lonely writer.
(s)he who can kill people through the sharpness of words that blood would be seen on their pieces as if they have a raging pain in their hearts that are artistically drawn into the paper of their mind.

3.The Inspiration
(s)he has been through a lot and those emotions hidden inbetween the lines are a part of the laughs and tears that life had given, (s)he is either happy or sad, but the denominator would be — (s)he has experienced a lot.

everyday is another theme for this person: one day (s)he's sad, the next day (s)he's happy and most of the time (s)he's in between — there's a lot of confusion in everything they write, ot would either start in gladness and ends up in tragedy or the otherwise, there's confusion yet the midpoint is that, (s)he don't really know what (s)he feels.

5. The Novelist
there's a lot running inside their mind, too many that a sheet of paper will never be enough for those unsaid thoughts to be written.

6.The Nonsense one
(s)he writes because she wants to; no inspiration, no reason but just because (s)wants to. (S)he never relates ro everything (s)he writes but the pain and romance is there.

7.The Jealous
this writer would write because (s)he wants attention just like others.

8. The Awakener
this writer writes about realization of life that upon reading their pieces, you would think of all the what-if's and with that, your view about life changes.

9. The Undiscovered
(s)he writes his heart out even constantly being shadowed by the fame of other, (s)he does not care as long as the weigh in his heart and mind has been released; fame is not a goal but to enjoy a passion.

10.The Killer:
when (s)he writes you'll never expect any happy ending because it's either your favorite character will be killed or one will die in a gruesome way.

Bonus, the Unchosen
those who wrote tons of poem for the wrong person.


what kind of writer are you? 😊

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