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What Are the Benefits Of Oily Skin? - Skin Care/Tips for Oily Skin Care


Forum Master
Aug 12, 2019

What Are the Benefits Of Oily Skin? – Skin Care​

Are there benefits to oily skin?​

Sometimes oily skin can seem really burdensome. Nevertheless don’t let your oily skin get you down — there are quite a few benefits that come with your skin type. We’re giving you five reasons why you should make peace with your face. Trust us, in the long run oily is skin is actually quite desirable. Find out why below.

1. You Have a Stronger Skin Defense System

When you have oily skin you produce larger amounts of sebum, a waxy substance that protects your skin from infection and water loss. Sebum acts as a type of defense mechanism for the surface of your skin. Sebum contains an antioxidant, Vitamin E, which can help surface skin defend itself against free radicals, which can oxidize skin and make it appear dull. So having extra Vitamin E can help keep your skin looking fresh and smooth longer.

2. You will look youthful longer​

Oily skin tends to be slightly thicker than other skin types. That mixed with extra sebum production and the Vitamin E released from your skin, can helps shield your skin from elements such as pollution, dirt particles, and other environmental factors. Thicker skin can help your skin look younger longer as it acts like a natural shield from skin-aging free radicals.

3. Natural Glow​

Dewy skin is a trendy make up look, and lucky for you, you can achieve this look with minimal effort. Oily skin tends to have a shinier appearance, just remember to cleanse with the right products and use a mattifying moisturizer so your skin will look beautiful. Also blotting papers are great on-the-go touch ups for oily skin when you need it. If you feel like your glow is moving towards shine territory just use a few blotting papers to remove excess oil.

Tips for Oily Skin Care​

Step #1 Find the Right Skin Care Routine​

You need to regulate sebum (the oily/waxy matter in your pores that waterproofs your skin) and oil production. Go for non-comedogenic products that won’t clog pores. Avoid products that are rich or greasy as they can also lead to clogged pores. Also products that contain alc0hol or strip your skin of moisture should be avoided; in response your skin will end up producing more oil.
When you cleanse your skin use a gentle cleanser that removes dirt and make up without stripping your skin. Charcoal cleansers like Garnier SkinActive’s Clean+ Shine Control Cleansing Gel are a great secret weapon in the fight against oil. This cleanser daily gel cleanser dissolves dirt, excess oil and makeup. The formula infused with charcoal draws out impurities like It also contains salicylic acid, which helps gently exfoliate dead skin cells on the surface of your skin. This cleanser deeply cleans and pores will appear diminished.

Tip #2 Exfoliate​

Dead skin cells make oily skin harder to manage. That’s because your skin can’t breathe and the extra layer doesn’t allow oil to naturally release out of your pores. A gentle exfoliator with fruit enzymes will help renew the skin on your face.
You can also use a simple wet washcloth too; simple rub it gently over your skin to remove dead cells that have built up on the surface. We recommend that you switch washcloths after every other use so that you don’t massage dead skin cells back onto your clean skin thereby increasing oil productivity.

Tip #3 Antioxidants​

Retinol or pro-retinol is a great ingredient in the fight against oily skin. Often found in serums, use one before you apply a lightweight moisturizer.

Tip #4 Regulate Oil With the Right Moisturizer​

Use a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer to hydrate and restore your skin while helping to regulate oil production.

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