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Help Send schedule message to group chats in viber


anyone knows a way or method to send scheduled messages to a group chat in viber? please for educational purposes, baka may alam po, paki share naman po any idea?
Yes, there are ways to send scheduled messages to a group chat in Viber. One common approach is to use a combination of Viber's API and a programming language such as Python to achieve this. Here's an outline of how you can do it:

1. Set up a Viber bot: Create a Viber bot account and obtain the necessary authentication tokens and keys to interact with the Viber API.

2. Develop a script: Write a script in a programming language like Python that utilizes the Viber API to send messages to the desired group chat. You can use libraries like requests in Python to make HTTP requests to the Viber API endpoints.

3. Implement scheduling logic: To schedule messages, you can use a scheduling library like schedule in Python to set specific times for sending messages to the group chat.

4. Run the script: Once you have the script set up with the scheduling logic, you can run it on a server or your local machine to automatically send messages at the scheduled times.

Remember to respect Viber's terms of service and guidelines when using their API to send messages. Additionally, ensure that you have the necessary permissions to send messages to group chats in Viber.

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