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sensya na lods pero iba yung output sa ginagawa ko salamat sa help!
ito po yung exercise na gagawin namin



Ano course mo lods?
Electrical engineering lods pero may parang minor subject kami microprocessor which is mag program at laki din pakinabang nito sa thesis kaya nag practice2 ako ang mahal ng bayad mag pa program

Sure, here's an example code for 14 LEDs connected to digital pins 0 to 13 on an Arduino Uno, moving in opposite directions:

void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i <= 13; i++) {
    pinMode(i, OUTPUT); // set the digital pins to OUTPUT mode

void loop() {
  for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
    digitalWrite(i, HIGH); // turn on LEDs from pin 0 to 6
    digitalWrite(13 - i, HIGH); // turn on LEDs from pin 13 to 7
    delay(100); // wait for 100ms
    digitalWrite(i, LOW); // turn off LEDs from pin 0 to 6
    digitalWrite(13 - i, LOW); // turn off LEDs from pin 13 to 7
  for (int i = 6; i >= 0; i--) {
    digitalWrite(i, HIGH); // turn on LEDs from pin 0 to 6
    digitalWrite(13 - i, HIGH); // turn on LEDs from pin 13 to 7
    delay(100); // wait for 100ms
    digitalWrite(i, LOW); // turn off LEDs from pin 0 to 6
    digitalWrite(13 - i, LOW); // turn off LEDs from pin 13 to 7

This code uses two for loops to move the LEDs in opposite directions. The first for loop turns on the LEDs from pin 0 to 6 and from pin 13 to 7, and then turns them off in reverse order. The second for loop does the same thing, but in reverse order. The delay(100) statement is used to pause for 100 milliseconds between each movement. You can adjust the delay time to change the speed of the LED movement.
arduino code for led pin 0 to 13, 1 led at a time running from both ends
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pahelp phc bot
arduino code for led pin 0 to 13, 1 led at a time running from both ends
Sure, I can help you with that! Here's the code that will run LEDs from pins 0 to 13, one LED at a time running from both ends:

int ledPin = 0;  // start at pin 0
int direction = 1;  // start moving to the right

void setup() {
  // initialize all LED pins as outputs
  for (int i = 0; i <= 13; i++) {
    pinMode(i, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // turn off previous LED
  digitalWrite(ledPin - direction, LOW);
  // turn on current LED
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
  // move to next LED
  ledPin += direction;
  // change direction if we've reached the end
  if (ledPin == 13 || ledPin == 0) {
    direction *= -1;
  // add a delay to control the speed of the animation

This code uses a variable called ledPin to keep track of which LED we're currently illuminating. We start at pin 0 and move in the direction of 1 (to the right). We use a for loop in the setup() function to initialize all LED pins as outputs.

In the loop() function, we turn off the previous LED by setting its pin to LOW. We then turn on the current LED by setting its pin to HIGH. We then move to the next LED by incrementing or decrementing the ledPin variable, depending on the direction we're moving. If we've reached the end of the LED strip (pin 13 or pin 0), we change the direction so that we start moving in the opposite direction.

Finally, we add a delay to control the speed of the animation. You can adjust the delay time to speed up or slow down the animation as desired.
Sure, I can help you with that! Here's the code that will run LEDs from pins 0 to 13, one LED at a time running from both ends:

int ledPin = 0;  // start at pin 0
int direction = 1;  // start moving to the right

void setup() {
  // initialize all LED pins as outputs
  for (int i = 0; i <= 13; i++) {
    pinMode(i, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // turn off previous LED
  digitalWrite(ledPin - direction, LOW);
  // turn on current LED
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
  // move to next LED
  ledPin += direction;
  // change direction if we've reached the end
  if (ledPin == 13 || ledPin == 0) {
    direction *= -1;
  // add a delay to control the speed of the animation

This code uses a variable called ledPin to keep track of which LED we're currently illuminating. We start at pin 0 and move in the direction of 1 (to the right). We use a for loop in the setup() function to initialize all LED pins as outputs.

In the loop() function, we turn off the previous LED by setting its pin to LOW. We then turn on the current LED by setting its pin to HIGH. We then move to the next LED by incrementing or decrementing the ledPin variable, depending on the direction we're moving. If we've reached the end of the LED strip (pin 13 or pin 0), we change the direction so that we start moving in the opposite direction.

Finally, we add a delay to control the speed of the animation. You can adjust the delay time to speed up or slow down the animation as desired.
arduino code for led pin 0 to 13, led both ends running at a time running from both ends accross to other end
arduino code for led pin 0 to 13, led both ends running at a time running from both ends accross to other end
Here's the code that will run LEDs from pins 0 to 13, with two LEDs moving towards each other from both ends and meeting in the middle:

int ledPinLeft = 0;
int ledPinRight = 12;
int directionLeft = 1;
int directionRight = -1;

void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i <= 13; i++) {
    pinMode(i, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(ledPinLeft, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPinRight, HIGH);

  ledPinLeft += directionLeft;
  ledPinRight += directionRight;

  if (ledPinLeft == ledPinRight) {
  } else {

  if (ledPinLeft == 13 || ledPinLeft == 0) {
    directionLeft *= -1;

  if (ledPinRight == 13 || ledPinRight == 0) {
    directionRight *= -1;

  digitalWrite(ledPinLeft - directionLeft, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ledPinRight - directionRight, LOW);

This code uses two variables, ledPinLeft and ledPinRight, to keep track of the LED pins on the left and right sides of the strip, respectively. We start at pins 0 and 12, and move in opposite directions (directionLeft = 1 and directionRight = -1). The setup() function initializes all pins as outputs.

In the loop() function, we turn on both LEDs on each iteration, and then move the LED pins by incrementing or decrementing the ledPinLeft and ledPinRight variables. We then use a delay to control the speed of the animation. When the two LED pins meet in the middle, we add an extra delay of 500ms before continuing the animation.

After updating the LED pins, we check if either of them has reached the end of the strip (pins 0 or 13), and if so, we change the direction of movement. Finally, we turn off the LEDs that were previously illuminated by setting their pins to LOW.

You can adjust the delay times and direction of movement by changing the values of the delay() function and the directionLeft and directionRight variables, respectively.

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