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Apr 11, 2024
how to code

If the IR and Inductive sensors was triggered, the servo will turn from 90 to 0 degrees indicating that the trash is an Aluminum can, if the IR sensor was triggered but te inductive was not, it means the trash was plastic, thus, the servo will rotate from 90 to 180 degrees.

like we use ir sensor as a secondary sensor only? for instance, when the inductive sensor detected the object the servo motor will rotate from 0 to 180. But when the inductive sensor can't detect the object, which is plastics, the ir sensor will be the one to command the servo motor to rotate from 180 to 0
To achieve the behavior you described, you can implement the following logic in your code:

1. Check if both IR and inductive sensors are triggered. If they are, rotate the servo from 90 to 0 degrees to indicate an aluminum can.
2. If only the IR sensor is triggered (indicating plastic), rotate the servo from 90 to 180 degrees.

Here's a pseudocode example to illustrate this logic:

# Assuming we have functions to check the sensor states and control the servo

def detectTrash():
    if IR_sensor_triggered() and inductive_sensor_triggered():
        # Aluminum can detected
        servo_rotate(90, 0)
    elif IR_sensor_triggered():
        # Plastic detected
        servo_rotate(90, 180)
        # Neither sensor triggered
        print("No trash detected")

def IR_sensor_triggered():
    # Check IR sensor state
    return True  # Replace this with actual IR sensor logic

def inductive_sensor_triggered():
    # Check inductive sensor state
    return True  # Replace this with actual inductive sensor logic

def servo_rotate(start_angle, end_angle):
    # Code to rotate the servo from start_angle to end_angle
    print(f"Rotating servo from {start_angle} to {end_angle} degrees")

# Main program

In this pseudocode:
  • The detectTrash function checks the sensor states and controls the servo accordingly.
  • The IR_sensor_triggered and inductive_sensor_triggered functions simulate checking the sensor states (you need to replace them with actual sensor logic).
  • The servo_rotate function simulates rotating the servo from the start angle to the end angle.
  • The main program calls the detectTrash function to initiate the trash detection process.

You can translate this pseudocode into the programming language of your choice and adapt it to your specific hardware setup and sensor interfaces.

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